PT Summarecon Agung Tbk.

Officer Development Program (ODP)
Minimal S1
Tentang Perusahaan
PT Summarecon Agung Tbk adalah perusahaan properti terkemuka di Indonesia yang didirikan pada tahun 1975. Perusahaan ini dikenal sebagai pionir dalam pengembangan kota mandiri (township) yang terintegrasi, seperti Summarecon Kelapa Gading, Summarecon Serpong, dan Summarecon Bekasi. Produk-produk terkenalnya meliputi perumahan, apartemen, ruko, mal perbelanjaan, dan fasilitas komersial lainnya yang tersebar di berbagai kota besar di Indonesia.
Kualifikasi Pekerjaan
- Maximum Age: 25 years old.
- Education: Minimum Bachelor’s degree (S1) with a GPA of at least 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.
- Preferably fresh graduates from all majors, in line with the company’s needs.
- Open to candidates with a maximum of 2 years of work experience and not exceed the age limit
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
The Officer Development Program (ODP) at PT Summarecon Agung Tbk is a recruitment process at the officer level for fresh graduates. ODP employees will receive learning and development programs to become young professionals equipped with technical and non-technical competency training, as well as learning experiences through On-the-Job Training methods in Summarecon’s development areas, according to the company’s needs.
Cara Melamar
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